Dear Church Family,
Below is an email from our friend, Sue, she is from our last church... Concord UMC. Sue Kolljeski is a missionary with The Mission Society (a Methodist organization) in Lawra, Ghana in Africa. She works with people in the poorest of conditions. We know her well (she was still at Concord raising support while we ministered there from 2005-09). Last year she moved to Africa full time! Well, I can't go to Africa but I desire to help her and her "Ghana kids" in any way possible.
She sends out an occasional plea to help these children in different ways. This was her latest and I wanted to spread the word to see if anyone else could help these children by giving toward their health care insurance costs. You will see that gifts of just $5 will go a long way there!
Also, I hope you check out her blog and comment to encourage her... if you are so led. Perhaps you can put her and her mission in Ghana on your pray list . Thanks, Jan Kindle
Subject: Health Care for Young Children
Dear Friends,
The area of Ghana in which I live is one of the poorest. Even though health insurance is relatively inexpensive, for these people, it is expensive. The clinic at which I work, which is the umbrella organization for the Children’s Center wants to do a mass insurance registration for children 5 and under. I was wondering if you, your church or any one you know would be interested in providing health care for the most vulnerable in the area. $5 would provide health insurance for 2 children for one year. If there is interest, please send the money to:
The Mission Society, 6234 Crooked Creek Road, Norcross, GA 30092
Please put Acct. # 0628 on the memo line. This is not my account, it is for special projects at the Lawra Health Program and can be used for the insurance.
Thanks! God bless you!
In His Grip,
Sue Kolljeski
LINK TO HER BLOG "The Great Adventure" HERE