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130 North Saint Marys Street
Saint Marys, Pennsylvania 15857


Friday, June 29, 2012

VBS Helped Wanted

VBS Volunteers Needed:

“Work Party” to paint and help make Decorations for VBS.
  It will be on Thursday, July 12 at 5:30 pm until ?

From the VBS Committee

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Creation" is ON!!!!

Pray for the Youth and Youth Leaders who are at CREATION this week. We hope they have an AWESOME time!
(Creation is an outdoor Christian concert... kinda like Woodstock...  but much BETTER! )

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Check this Out...

Did you see this man walk across Niagra Falls recently? He was amazing! Here is a good word for us after seeing this man's record breaking accomplishment... check it out... Staying Focused Above the Stormy Waters by Mary Latona

Monday, June 25, 2012

This Week...

Wed. June 27 -   4 p.m. - Bowls of Love (Fruited Turkey Salad, Roll, and Dessert)
                           6 p.m. - Work Night at the Property/Pavilion
                           8 p.m. - Man to Man (Men'sprayer/study/fellowship group)

Sun. July 1 - Communion Served

Don't forget VBS is July 15-19 from 6-8 p.m.!

Devotions to Check Out and Be Inspired!

"Bloom Where You are Planted" and "Look Up! You are Being Watched!" are just a few of the latest devotions from church member, Mary Latona. It is apparent she enjoys worshipping the Lord and inspiring others in their spiritual walk. Please check out these wonderful devotions posted on her blog, Who Needs His Love?. (You may know Mary from the contemporary worship service as she plays the keyboard. She also writes many songs and sings beautifully as well.) 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What's Coming Up?

Monday, June 25 at 6 p.m. is the UMW annual summer picnic! Please bring a covered dish to share. 
UMW could also use your rhubarb, cut into one inch pieces and placed in freezer bags. (This will help with pie making in the fall.)

Olmsted Manor Retreat Events:
June 24-28 -  "Church Worship Arts Workshop
July 8-10 -  "Church Secretaries Workshop"
July 23-27 - "Retreat for Older Adults with Bill and Lois Hiles"

Don't forget at FUMC is a "Hymn Sing" this Sunday at Church Service (10 a.m. combined summer service).

Wednesday, June 20, at 4 p.m. is Bowls of Love...  Menu: Potato Salad, Hot dogs, and dessert.
Wednesday, June 20 at the Pavilion 6 p.m. is a Work Night.

Wednesday, June 20 at 8:00 is Man to Man.

*Note last night, Monday, June 18 was the 6 p.m. Prayer Meeting at the church. Sorry this didn't get on the blog in time. Here is a helpful way to remember: Prayer Meeting is held every 3rd Monday of each month at 6 p.m. See you there next month!

Monday, June 11, 2012

This Week's Schedule...

Monday, June 11 at 7 p.m. - VBS Planning Meeting

Wednesday, June 13 at 4 p.m. - Bowls of Love (Sloppy Joes, Garden Salad, and Dessert)
                                      6 p.m. - Work Night at Pavilion
                                      8 p.m. - Man to Man (Men's Study & Prayer Group)

Thursday, June 14 at 7 p.m. - A.R.M. Meeting (Aldersgate Renewal Ministry)

Friday, June 15 - Newsletter Deadline

**** You probably noticed today that I changed the blog title to "FUMC Weekly Post" mainly because that is a lot closer to what I do... usually on Mondays I  post for the upcoming week. (Of course at times something might pop up during the rest of the week and it will get posted.) But, I just haven't been doing a real "daily" post... so I thought the name change reflected this reality! ; ) Thanks for reading! Many Blessings, Jan *****

Monday, June 4, 2012

Youth Needs Your Help for "Creation 2012"

The Youth group is going to Creation this year and are in need of some food items. Check out the list in the "old kitchen". Items need to be at the church by Sunday, June 24. Your help is greatly appreciated!

HERE is a LINK to learn more about CREATION (NorthEast... held in Mt. Union, PA).

June's Memory Verse (Matthew 11:28)

"Come to me, 
all you who are weary and burdened, 
and I will give you rest." 

- Matthew 11:28

June's Fasting Passage is: Matthew 11:25-30