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130 North Saint Marys Street
Saint Marys, Pennsylvania 15857


Wednesday, June 12, 2013







JUNE 19TH @ 6:30



From Mary Latona:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Personally Yours

Today I picked up my Bible, not knowing what I was going to read, but casually thumbed through it. I randomly chose a page, which happened to be in Psalms, and allowed my eyes to wander. Sometimes this method leads me to discover some real gems that pop out to me, and they seem to apply to what I'm going through at the time. It's as if God had chosen that passage just for me! How did He know I was going to need this? This was written centuries ago!
That's because the Bible is a living book, a breathing book, like no other book ever written! One can read a particular passage and get something from it, and years later, return to the very same passage, thereby getting something completely different from it. How can that possibly happen?
All Scripture is inspired by God, 
and  is profitable for teaching,
for reproof,  for correction,
and for training in righteousness.
                                                    - 2 Timothy 3:16 
This applies to people who seek after God and His ways; for those who surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit, who gives spiritual understanding. The Bible says in John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This Word is Jesus Christ, and for those who place their trust in Him as Savior, He gives spiritual wisdom and discernment. When we read certain passages, they pop out to us because the Holy Spirit wants us to take notice of what it says. It is meant personally for us. Yes, for you! And for me.
While I also partake in Bible Studies that focus on certain topics, or books in the Bible, my favorite method is to see what God has to tell me through randomly wandering. The former way of studying the Bible is more focused, and it helps me to know what the Bible says about God. But when I approach the Word in a casual way, it helps me to know what God is saying to me about Him. For that moment. Meant just for me.
I realize others may have a different opinion in the method they prefer for reading the Bible, and that is okay. As long as we read the Bible! On a regular basis! Making it a daily habit reaps benefits that have eternal significance...not only for you, but for others in your life, as you share and live out what the Word is revealing to you. The Word of God is powerful! And it can change your life forever!
I hope I have been able to inspire you to read the Bible. See what God wants to tell you. After all, He wrote it just for you....with you in mind.


Friday, May 3, 2013

When The Mouth is Faster Than The Brain

I was browsing through the Psalms this morning and came across the following scripture found in Psalm 39:
I said, "I will watch my ways
and keep my mouth from sin;
I will put a muzzle on my mouth
as long as the wicked are in my presence."
But when I was silent and still,
not even saying anything good,
my anguish increased.
My heart grew hot within me,
and as I meditated, the fire burned;
then I spoke with my tongue.
That really got my attention! How many times have we promised ourselves that we wouldn't talk about someone, or be critical, or judgemental, but ended up spilling the beans! We couldn't help ourselves and just blurted out all that "wonderful knowledge" we have stored up in our brains, without regards to who our words would hurt. Or how we would come across.
I checked my concordance and there are at least 41 verses on the tongue! No wonder we find ourselves getting in trouble! But our words reflect what's in our minds, and it's up to us what we fill our minds with. Regular times with the Lord, getting into His Word, and a determined prayer time will help us tremendously. We will find ourselves being filled with the mind of Christ, and what comes out of our mouth will reflect His love and compassion for others.
So, the next time you find your mouth rushing ahead of your brain, STOP! Get alone with the Lord, and pray this  from Psalm 19:14:
May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Monday, April 22, 2013

~National Day of Prayer Service -
scheduled for Thursday, May 2 @ 6pm on the Diamond in Downtown St. Marys.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

~UM WOMEN'S RUMMAGE SALE / Fri. & Sat., May 10th - 11th

Graduation Sunday & Pastor's Going Away
May 19 @ 10am out at the Pavilion
Pot Luck to Follow the service @ the Pavilion

For the Pot Luck Last Names are to Bring:
A-I:  Main Dish
J-R:  Salads
S-Z:  Desserts

Monday, April 15, 2013

A message about marriage.

2013 Retreat for Older Adults

Olmsted Manor will be hosting the 2013 Retreat for Older Adults, July 22-26. This year’s retreat will be focusing on the “Seasons of the Gospels, with Rev. Bruce Merritt leading the Bible study, and also Bill and Lois Hiles leading the retreat. This event is a great chance to delve into the “Seasons of the Gospels” with fellow older adults.

Please pass this information along to your districts, churches, and friends. The retreat information can be found below as well as on our website:

Heather Aul
Heather Aul, Interim Publicity Coordinator
Olmsted Manor Retreat Center
Seasons of the Gospels

Retreat for Older Adults
with Bill & Lois Hiles
July 22-26, 2013 

Olmsted Manor Retreat Center
814-945-6512 *
PO Box 8, Ludlow, PA 16333
Olmsted Manor Retreat Center

Seasons of the Gospels
the 2013 Retreat for Older Adults with Bill & Lois Hiles
July 22-26, 2013 
This event begins with dinner at 5:30 on Monday, July 22, continuing through lunch on Friday, July 26.
“Seasons of the Gospels” will have participants walk through and experience the different Christian Seasons of the Church calendar as we learn more about them by considering pertinent Bible passages. Using a variety of learning experiences, we will consider the importance of each Christian Season to our faith and understanding of Scripture. Each session will contain an explanation of the Church Season, some of the symbols that we use during that season, and teaching on the Scripture lesson. The study will look at Advent, Christmastide, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Kingdomtide. 
Bill and Lois Hiles will be your hosts during the week. Since retirement Bill and Lois have spent much of their time in Port Orange, Florida and welcome the chance to return to Pennsylvania where Bill served many years as a pastor in the Western PA Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Rev. Bruce Merritt will be leading the Bible Study.  Bruce has been a United Methodist pastor, within the WPAUMC conference for 35 years, and previously taught the Retreat for Older Adults for 10 years. He is married to Glenda Merritt and he has 3 children and 3 grandchildren.
Velva Hildebrand will return as the Music Director for the retreat.
Arrive and Register July 22 between 3 and 5 pm
" -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  c  l  i  p   &   s  e  n  d   t  o   r  e  g  I  s  t  e  r  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
"2013” July 22-26, 2013
Arrive and Register July 22 between 3 and 5pm 
Event Cost:  tuition: $30.00  +  Room/Board: $244.00  =  Total Cost: $274.00  (private room additional $40)
A “First Time Attendees ” 50% discount scholarship is available.
To register email Anne:  or phone: 814-945-6512 or mail the following form.  (You may also register through the Olmsted website

Name: ________________________________________  Email address: _____________________________________
Address: ________________________________ City:_______________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________
Phone: ______________ Physical/Dietary needs: _________________________ Require Handicap accessibility?  yes/no
1st Time attending?  yes/no    Requested Roommate: ___________________________  Private Room? (add $40)  yes/no
Send with $25 deposit to: Olmsted Manor; PO Box 8; Ludlow, PA 16333         
   [Recd: ____ Ch#: ____ Amt: _____]

This communication may contain privileged and/or confidential information.  The information is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that disclosing, copying, or distributing of the contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender and destroy any copies of this document.  It is strictly prohibited to publish, forward, or post this communication without the written permission of the sender.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Remember Sue Kolljeski? She is the Mission Society missionary that came to our church to speak in November. In this post on her blog, she shows pictures where she is giving the gifts that our church gave to this Kindergarten class in Ghana, Africa. Thanks!

A Visit with Kindergarten

Tuesday I went to the Lawra Methodist Primary School to speak with the Kindergarten teacher. I first stopped to greet the Headmistress and told her of my mission for the morning. She informed me that the Kindergarten teacher did not come to school this day. I asked if she would be there the following day since I had school supplies for the Kindergarten children from First UMC in St. Mary's, PA. I was assured that the teacher would be in attendance the following day.

On Wednesday, Rev. Ernest and I went to the school. We stopped to greet the headmistress and to tell her of our mission for the morning. The Kindergarten teacher was in the office, too. So, we visited for a small while and then went to the Kindergarten classroom.

It was dark in the classroom since most of the shutters were closed to keep out the hot sun. The back wall was filled with a huge pile of broken desks. Some of the children were not in the room and had to be found and brought in. At last, everyone was there!

We greeted everyone on behalf of our friends at First UMC, St. Mary's, PA. And passed out the bags containing the school supplies. The children were instructed to take out each item separately.

First, there was drawing paper. Next, the crayons. What is in this box? Colored chalk, to use on the slates, of course! Plus, a rag to clean the slates when finished.

The best was yet to of the people who sent us the school supplies, PLUS...

Salvation bracelets. Each bead has a meaning. The children were told what each bead represented and were also told about the immense love God has for each of them!

God loved them so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for them, to pay the price of sin, so they could live with Jesus forever! A reminder of this was given in the form of a cross necklace. The children were encouraged to talk with God all the time, whenever they wanted.

Our time together ended with prayer being offered by Rev. Ernest. Please pray for these children, too. When I see the school supplies, the condition of the room, desks, etc. and compare them to what we take for granted in the US, I am tempted to ask, "Where is the hope?" The hope is in Jesus Christ. I pray that these boys and girls have the opportunity to grow into men and women of faith and will some day be leaders in their communities.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

UM Women to Meet

The monthly meeting of the
United Methodist Women will be held
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Candy Frey will speak about Lay Ministry
Hostess - Marci Rogers

It's time to start getting ready for the UMW's annual Rummage Sale.
The sale is set for May 10 and 11. More details will be in upcoming bulletins.

     Esther Circle met on Monday March 11th  with 5 members.  Our study for the evening was “Prayer and Confessing”.   Our next meeting will be April 8th and we will be studying about  “Meditating on Scripture & Seeking Guidance”.   God’s purpose in guidance is not to get us to perform the right actions.  His purpose is to help us become the right kind of people.  

Hostess  for April is Marcia  Rogers.  Our April 8th meeting starts at 7 pm  ~~  All are welcome.   

Singles Gathering Schedule

All Singles Welcome
Gatherings held at Cyndi Schloder’s home
Friday, March 29 @ 6 pm
Saturday, April 13 @ 5 pm
Friday, April 26 @ 6 pm

SUMMER…     is just around the corner!
With the change in seasons also comes a change in church service.  We will be celebrating our faith in one service @ 10:00 a.m.  The children will be dismissed to Asbury Hall for Children’s Church just before Pastor presents his sermon.  We are looking for adults and teens to help with story telling, crafts or music.  Whatever talent you have, we can use!  There is a sign-up sheet @ the church in the Welcome Center if you are willing to help for one or more weeks.  Any questions may be directed to Beth Gornati.  Please call Beth @ 781-3554 or e-mail @

Sunday School Done Right!
If you have ever had the urge to teach a Sunday School class or to help in a class or to be able
to witness to others, but didn’t have clue where to start, then this is the opportunity you have
been waiting for.  We are offering a one-day event that will be revealing, informative, and fun. 
There is no cost to you; all materials will be provided as well as refreshments and lunch
All you need to give is 5 hours of your time!  We do need to know if you will be attending so that
we can plan accordingly.  Sign-up sheets are in the Welcome Center at the church or you may call
Beth Gornati @ 781-3554 by April 20

WHEN:        APRIL 27, 2013
WHERE:      ST. MARYS AUTO BODY’S CONFERENCE CENTER,  TROUT RUN RD.                                                                                                                                                                              TIME:           9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Inspiration Soup Station April 2013
Bowls of Love Menu and Servers  

Date:         Wednesday, April 3rd
Menu:            Rivoli soup, ham salad sandwich, and dessert
Servers:        Chancel choir

Date:            Wednesday, April 10th
Menu:            Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and dessert
Servers:        Loving Hearts and Heart to Heart  

Date:            Wednesday, April 17th
Menu:            Beef vegetable soup, egg salad sandwich, and dessert
Servers:        Betty and Bob Walker, Freida Cassels, Janet and Norman McCoy 
Date:         Wednesday, April 24th
Menu:            Chili, grilled cheese sandwich, and dessert
Servers:        Jenn Vallimont family, Paula Mertel, and Tom and Jean Price. 

If you are unable to serve, please contact:
Pat Johnson (834-3184) or Vada Liptak (834-2230).

Summer Camp
Remember it is time to start making plans and preparations for SUMMER CAMP.  Before your calendars fill up with sports, vacations and other activities check out the summer camp brochures and find a week (or a three-day camp for younger children) that works for you.  A week at one of our Christian Camps will change you in ways like nothing else.  You will learn more about how much God loves you, while making new friends, trying new things, and having a ton of fun!

This year’s registration is different from the past.  Each of the three camps has their own website and each camp will send out their own brochures.  This year I will need to hear from every camper’s family who is requesting financial
assistance from the Church prior to registering for camp so our church can send in our portion of the cost. 
Please e-mail me at: or call me at 834-4608.  I will help you in any way that I can.

Check out the camps online for more info and to see what is available:

There is also information available in the Welcome Center at the Church about the different camps.

Over the past couple of years families have had to pay less than $100 for a week per camper as our church has been able to pay the rest of the cost.  Also, each camp has other scholarship money available — so don’t let the cost hold
you back.  We LOVE sending as many youth to camp as we are able.  Last year was a new record (32 campers) sent from First United Methodist Church.  Let’s set a new record!

Campership Steward,  Marci Rogers

  • Aldersgate 2013

    Join us for four days of refreshing and equipping to minister to the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. The 2013 theme, Radiance, celebrates the fact that Jesus, the radiance of God's glory, has given to us the glory that God gave Him (Hebrews 1:3, John 17:22). Why? So that believers would demonstrate the love of God to the world - that in every action, we would radiate the character and power of Christ as we live, love, and serve in the power of the Holy Spirit. Come and celebrate our 35th National Conference on Spirit-filled living and experience the glory of God as we are equipped by the Holy Spirit to express the very character of God in all that we do!
  • Get Equipped!

    Over 25 equipping sessions to live a consistent Spirit-empowered life by participating in Aldersgate Equipping Sessions! 75 minute sessions are strategically designed to meet you where you are in your faith journey and to equip you to impact the lives of others.
  • Ministry for All Ages

    Discover the unique diversity of the Aldersgate 2013 Conference: Children’s Ministry, The Gate Conference for Youth, Clergy options and over 24 hours of inspiring sessions for persons of all ages encountering life-changing experiences with God.
  • 1
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  • 4
Recent Testimonies:
  • "I feel like I can go back to my home church more free to Worship."
  • "I always feel renewed after Aldersgate!"
  • "Aldersgate is awesome! I was a 'First Timer' but not a 'Last Timer!'"
  • "It has given me the energy to move forward and share my love for Christ."
  • "It has allowed me to experience such a freedom in worship."
  • "Always up-lifting to be with so many in worship & praise."
  • "These sessions were VERY helpful, and the Worship was 'over the top.' I'm overflowing."
  • "It has been a very pivotal part of my walk."
  • "This Conference has helped me experience the love that God has for all of us."
  • "It has helped me to be more open and free in my worship."
  • "Deepened my faith, and confirmed my Savior."
  • "I am pumped to offer the gospel more powerfully and boldly."
  • "I was inspired to continue to stay with the moving of the Holy Spirit."
  • "It has pushed me over the edge and forced me to take that next step."
  • "The whole week brought healing and renewal."
  • "Powerful worship and greater expectancy of God working."
  • "The Conference Helps to encourage and revitalize me to do God's work."
  • "Made me more aware of the Lord's presence in my life continually."
  • "I was able to be filled with the Spirit."
  • "Aldersgate has been wonderful for our whole family."
  • "I can hear God like never before."
  • "It has helped me grow, and deepen my relationship with my Lord and Savior."
  • "Great opportunity to be revitalized through worship."
  • "The lord spoke to me to be more active in stepping out in faith."
  • "It really helped with my confidence and boosted my faith."
  • "The positive outlook and loving character of the Aldersgate community is a great encouragement."
  • "After the first session on Thursday, my teens were telling me how glad they were!"
  • "I was lifted up in the Worship times, there was so much holy spirit presence."
  • "The Conference is always a positive part of my journey."
  • "The Conference has helped me hear God's voice."
  • "I met so many people, and made a lot of great friends!"

Adult Ministry


For All Ages and Stages

Adults will encounter God in dynamic morning and evening worship celebrations, practical workshops, relevant keynote speakers, Pre-Conference ministry and in creative prayer experiences! Bring the whole family to Aldersgate 2013 this year.
Register Now and Save!

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Here is a sneak peak of the Aldersgate 2013 brochure Register now to save 5% Request your church promo packs here

Free Live Streaming

Thursday Night to Saturday Night
More Information, Click Here!