UM Women to Meet
The monthly meeting of the
United Methodist Women will be held
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Candy Frey will speak about Lay Ministry
Hostess - Marci Rogers
It's time to start getting ready for the UMW's annual Rummage Sale.
The sale is set for May 10 and 11. More details will be in upcoming bulletins.
Esther Circle met on Monday March 11th with 5 members. Our study for the evening was “Prayer and Confessing”. Our next meeting will be April 8th and we will be studying about “Meditating on Scripture & Seeking Guidance”. God’s purpose in guidance is not to get us to perform the right actions. His purpose is to help us become the right kind of people.
Hostess for April is Marcia Rogers. Our April 8th meeting starts at 7 pm ~~ All are welcome.
Singles Gathering Schedule
All Singles Welcome
Gatherings held at Cyndi Schloder’s home
Friday, March 29 @ 6 pm
Saturday, April 13 @ 5 pm
Friday, April 26 @ 6 pm
SUMMER… is just around the corner!
With the change in seasons also comes a change in church service. We will be celebrating our faith in one service @ 10:00 a.m. The children will be dismissed to Asbury Hall for Children’s Church just before Pastor presents his sermon. We are looking for adults and teens to help with story telling, crafts or music. Whatever talent you have, we can use! There is a sign-up sheet @ the church in the Welcome Center if you are willing to help for one or more weeks. Any questions may be directed to Beth Gornati. Please call Beth @ 781-3554 or e-mail @
Sunday School Done Right!
If you have ever had the urge to teach a Sunday School class or to help in a class or to be able
to witness to others, but didn’t have clue where to start, then this is the opportunity you have
been waiting for. We are offering a one-day event that will be revealing, informative, and fun.
There is no cost to you; all materials will be provided as well as refreshments and lunch!
All you need to give is 5 hours of your time! We do need to know if you will be attending so that
we can plan accordingly. Sign-up sheets are in the Welcome Center at the church or you may call
Beth Gornati @ 781-3554 by April 20th.
WHEN: APRIL 27, 2013
Inspiration Soup Station April 2013
Bowls of Love Menu and Servers
Date: Wednesday, April 3rd
Menu: Rivoli soup, ham salad sandwich, and dessert
Servers: Chancel choir
Date: Wednesday, April 10th
Menu: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and dessert
Servers: Loving Hearts and Heart to Heart
Date: Wednesday, April 17th
Menu: Beef vegetable soup, egg salad sandwich, and dessert
Servers: Betty and Bob Walker, Freida Cassels, Janet and Norman McCoy
Date: Wednesday, April 24th
Menu: Chili, grilled cheese sandwich, and dessert
Servers: Jenn Vallimont family, Paula Mertel, and Tom and Jean Price.
If you are unable to serve, please contact:
Pat Johnson (834-3184) or Vada Liptak (834-2230).
Summer Camp
Remember it is time to start making plans and preparations for SUMMER CAMP. Before your calendars fill up with sports, vacations and other activities check out the summer camp brochures and find a week (or a three-day camp for younger children) that works for you. A week at one of our Christian Camps will change you in ways like nothing else. You will learn more about how much God loves you, while making new friends, trying new things, and having a ton of fun!
This year’s registration is different from the past. Each of the three camps has their own website and each camp will send out their own brochures. This year I will need to hear from every camper’s family who is requesting financial
assistance from the Church prior to registering for camp so our church can send in our portion of the cost.
Please e-mail me at: or call me at 834-4608. I will help you in any way that I can.
Check out the camps online for more info and to see what is available:
There is also information available in the Welcome Center at the Church about the different camps.
Over the past couple of years families have had to pay less than $100 for a week per camper as our church has been able to pay the rest of the cost. Also, each camp has other scholarship money available — so don’t let the cost hold
you back. We LOVE sending as many youth to camp as we are able. Last year was a new record (32 campers) sent from First United Methodist Church. Let’s set a new record!
Campership Steward, Marci Rogers