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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Missionary Focus: James Hudson Taylor

J. Hudson Taylor, a British born missionary who lived from 1832-1905. He was raised in a home belonging to the Methodist church. Later he got involved with the Brethern and Baptist churches, which greatly influenced his him as well. 

He spent 51 years in China and was the founder of the China Inland Mission (now known as Overseas Missionary Fellowship). He didn't restrict what denomination the CIM missionaries came from as long as they had a soundness in the faith and fundamental truths. That was revolutionary at the time! At the time of his death, CIM had 205 mission stations, 800 missionaries, and 125,000 Chinese Christians. 

What an impact for the Kingdom this evangelist had on the people that he loved and cared for so much! His life's story has inspired many other well-known missionaries and evangelists over the years. 

This was a man of God... sold out for Christ... a man devoted to expanding Christ's Kingdom! How can you and I serve Christ today? How can we be sold out for the Kingdom? You just never know how far a reach your life can have when you follow Christ!

(Click on the Link on J.Hudson Taylor above and you will learn so much more about this man.)

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